Create and promote your employment profile with your co-operation to our employer network via our website and via email.
Give you the details and contact details of employers who express an interest in offering you employment. We will provide this service until a job has been accepted, or for a period of up to 4 weeks.
Take payment from you in 2 parts
Promotion payment – to prepare your employment profile and promote it to our employer database.
Completion payment – due immediately you have confirmed a role with an employer from our network.
Payment conditions
After agreement to promote your profile the initial promotion payment is due and is non-refundable.
After you have confirmed acceptance of a position with an employer the completion payment is due and is non-refundable.
You agree:
That all information you give us relating to your personal situation and current employment is honest and complete.
That you will communicate promptly and reliably with VisitOz staff and any potential employers you are put in contact with.
You will contact all employers who express an interest in employing you, confirming acceptance or otherwise of their role.
You will not share information about the employer or role with any other potential employee.